It helps you weed out those agencies that charge "junk fees" and don't have the experience to make sure your real estate portfolio is consistently profitable - whether you have one investment home or a dozen.
According to HomeLovers property management expert Noel Pulanco, these are the areas critical to address during the selection process:
- What area do you specialize in?
- What types of properties?
- What services do/don't you offer?
- Who handles maintenance?
- How do you qualify tenants?
- What types of tenants do you look for?
- How do you handle non-paying tenants?
- How did you advertise?
- How long to rent a home?
- How/when do owners get paid?
Detail on each of these ten questions coming soon from HomeLovers, one of Arizona's fastest growing property management companies. Stay tuned! We want to help you stay profitable with your real estate investments.
Can't wait and want more information now? Contact Noel at or (602) 792-5324 for a little advice over the phone. It's free.